
I'm Sai Sampath Potluri

A code snippet in C language A code snippet in C language

My Story:

I'm an Information Technology student with notable experience in computer science and programming. I've good understanding of front end and backend technologies.I can work on Django, Flask and built web apps like crop recommendation system, forest fire predictor. I'm passionate about Web development and I love coding. I really enjoy learning new things and I'm always open to new ideas and projects.


  • Python
  • Web Developement
  • Django

My Work:

Here's a list of projects I built

tribute page

Cropify Using Django Framework

To recommend optimum crops to be cultivated by farmers based on several parameters (NPK, temperature, humidity, pH, rainfall ) and help them make an informed decision before cultivation. We gather temperature and humidity values using the DHT11 sensor pass to the website by using pyserial. We then used Random Forest Algorithm to predict the suitable crop and display it on the website built using Django.

survey form

Forest Fire Prediction

A website built using FLASK FRAMEWORK that predicts the probability of a forest fire taking place based on oxygen, temperature, and humidity content. We created a dataset with oxygen, temperature, and humidity as independent variables on which the fire depends. When oxygen levels and temperature levels are high and humidity is low then there is a high probability of forest fire.

product landing page

Building Text based bank in java

This application demonstrates standard programming paradigms, and about essential programming concepts such as variables, commenting, input and output to the user with the Scanner class, and importing/using standard Java libraries. It also covered more powerful concepts such as conditional statements, loops, and arrays. This application will be able to model real-life bank functions such as adding an account, increasing/decreasing the balance of an account, and allowing a user to check their balance.

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